The Peramculture Way

do it sustainably - click for full size image
do it sustainably

Still a novice but I like the idea.

Lots of things about permaculture makes sense. 

Zones (and edges) where the stuff you use often is as near to your kitchen door as you can get it (zone 1). Take advatage of Sun, shade and gravity, these things are not going to run out of anytime soon!

Monocultures are a bad idea - mix it up and give yourself some resilience if one crop fails.

Use perennials where ever possible/available  - less effort for the lazy gardener and better for soil structure.

Recycle : (rain water /compost/ any old junk that  you have) . Remember when you throw something away that there is no 'away'.

The Peramculture Way

Still a novice but I like the idea.

do it sustainably - click for full size image
do it sustainably